Cleaning a Toyota Sienna: Discovering Black Holes

Many of us inevitably make a mess in our cars, dropped tissues, dust, dirt, grime and all sorts get trapped in the most challenging of places. Our team soon discovered, cleaning a Toyota Sienna was no easy task, here are a few specific aspects that came to light.
Certain parts of the Sienna were particularly challenging, if not impossible, to clean.

The first hurdle came almost immediatley, the rails for the sliding captain’s chairs proved to be an obstacle. The rubber flaps designed to cover them do not align perfectly in the middle, which means that over time, a considerable amount of debris is likely to accumulate in the gaps.

These gaps are wide enough to allow larger pieces of debris to enter, but narrow and deep enough to make them hard to clean with a finger or a slim vacuum attachment. If you own a Sienna, it might be worth considering purchasing an extra set of affordable floor mats to cover these rails. While this might be a minor inconvenience, it is undoubtedly less bothersome than the arduous task of cleaning the rails themselves.

The second issue was many plastic moldings and trim pieces, particularly those at the ends of the aforementioned rails, appeared to be loosely fitted. This loose fit creates an opportunity for smaller particles such as sand to find their way in, but it also makes it difficult to remove such debris.

However, the additional space provided by the loose fit does allow for relatively easy access to some of the debris underneath without having to disassemble anything.

There are also some areas where the carpeting overlaps or the edges of the carpet do not fully adhere to the floor beneath. This allows some debris to settle underneath, but it is also relatively easy to lift these sections of carpeting to clean underneath. However, this process can be somewhat disconcerting, as it feels like something you shouldn’t do or an area of the car that may cause problems in the future.

Lastly, the cover for the center console storage bin folds down to the side of the bin rather than into it. This design feature poses a potential issue, as any crumbs or spilled liquids on the lid would fall into a separate recessed space, essentially becoming lost forever.
We can only imagine the nightmare it would be to clean if a moist piece of food or a milky substance were to accidentally find its way down there. How would one effectively clean it? Even worse, what if someone absentmindedly placed, for example, their house key on top of the bin and then opened the lid? At least the Sienna is spacious enough to serve as a temporary home after being locked out of your actual house. This small design flaw could undoubtedly become a significant headache.

On a positive note, one feature of the Sienna that greatly facilitated the cleaning process was the inclusion of all-weather floor liners. These liners cover a significant amount of surface area and make it much easier to vacuum up sand or pet hair without any resistance. Considering the time saved and the sense of security they provide for the vehicle’s longevity, this additional expense is certainly worth it.

Overall, despite the challenges cleaning a Toyota Sienna, this minivan proved to be an exceptional family vehicle. The ease of loading and unloading passengers and cargo in a minivan cannot be underestimated.



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