Cause and Effect of Poor Wheel Alignment: Cambodia Driving Tips

Welcome to another post from our technical team who are here to help guide you on your auto journey.  Our topic for today is the Cause and Effect of Poor Wheel Alignment: Cambodia Driving Tips

Firstly, let’s discuss why this is important or why we should even care about the effects of  Poor wheel alignment. Here are a few points to consider on this subject:

  • Can make the car unstable and can have a safety impact on the handling of the car
  • Will make your tyres wear unevenly, this can have cost implications having to replace them
  • Fuel consumption will increase with a significant alignment issue, the car will not be as smooth to drive.

While driving on a straight road you may notice your car is steering to one side. Initially, you may think it’s due to the road, but even on a flat surface, your car continues to drift in that direction. This is a clear indication that your wheel alignment is off and it’s time to visit a workshop for repairs.

Five factors that could contribute to this issue

1. Repeated Kerb Strikes:

When you accidentally hit a curb, it not only results in immediate failure during a driving test, but it also throws off your wheel alignment. Specifically, hitting a curb can cause the tie rod arm, responsible for maintaining front wheel alignment, to become bent.
Re-aligning your car can fix this problem, unless the bending is severe. Additionally, even if the tie rods are not bent, adjustments may “run,” requiring another realignment. Hitting a curb at higher speeds can cause even more severe issues, such as distortion of the suspension strut or lower arm, which may need to be replaced.

2. Driving Through Potholes:

Potholes are not only a pain that affects your ride quality, but they can also lead to misaligned wheels. Similar to hitting curbs, driving through potholes results in unnecessary wear on suspension components and can bend the tie rod arm. Larger and deeper potholes worsen the problem and may even cause damage to your wheels or tires, potentially leading to a puncture. It is advisable to drive slower and watch out for other cars taking evasive action or bouncing suddenly.

3. Fitting a Spare or New Tire:

Replacing a flat tire with a spare or bought a used tire, your wheel alignment may be thrown off. Most owners have their alignment checked when they replace their tires, so the alignment is “correct” for the current set. However, replacing one tire with a new one can put the alignment off because the wear pattern on that tire is different from the others. If the pulling or self steering isn’t severe, you can wait until you change all the tires before getting your wheel alignment sorted.

4. Worn Suspension and Steering Components:

Misaligned wheels can also be caused by worn suspension and steering components. Weakened springs can lead to incorrect camber, while worn ball joints that connect the steering knuckles to the control arms can also result in misaligned wheels. Worn or deformed bushings are another common cause of wheel alignment issues, particularly in older or high mileage cars.

5. Incorrect Tire Pressures:

Keeping your tires properly inflated is crucial not only for safety and fuel consumption but also for maintaining wheel alignment. If one front tire has lower pressure than the others, it can cause the car to pull to that side.
Low air pressure itself may not immediately cause mechanical misalignment, but if left unchecked, it can lead to increased wear on suspension components that are not designed to handle this imbalance, ultimately resulting in misalignment.

In addition to the above, it’s important to remember correct tire pressure also plays an important part in terms of grip, and braking.

Poor Wheel Alignment: Cambodia


In conclusion, when your car starts pulling to one side, it’s a clear sign that your wheel alignment is off. Factors such as repeated curb strikes, driving through potholes, fitting a spare or new tire, worn suspension and steering components, and wrong tire pressures can all contribute to this issue. Regularly checking and maintaining proper wheel alignment is essential for a smooth and safe driving experience.

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