The Cybertruck May Have Multiple Wipers Attached Together

As more details emerge about Tesla’s highly anticipated Cybertruck, one feature that has garnered significant attention is the remarkably large windshield wiper. New photos seem to indicate that it may actually consist of multiple wipers attached or stacked in a row on top of each other.

The Verge shared close-up photos that show what appears to be at least two wipers attached end-to-end running along the length of the Cybertruck’s windshield. If this is the case, it might be to facilitate easier replacement of the wiper (or wipers?), as reported by The Verge. In essence, it might be easier to obtain and replace multiple standard wipers than to purchase and install one massive custom wiper.

The original design of the Cybertruck in 2019 did not include windshield wipers at all, but one had to be added to comply with road safety regulations. The additional windshield wiper now rests vertically alongside the driver’s side of the windshield when not in use.

A few images and videos of the wiper so far indicate that it appears to do a somewhat mediocre job of actually cleaning the Cybertruck’s windshield, leaving a large area of the glass dusty and dirty.

The long-awaited Cybertruck with its multiple wipers attached, is set to be released on November 30, so the truth about the enormous windshield wiper will soon be revealed once and for all.

For those seeking to order one, the waiting list is already 1 year. We suggest you speak to the Tesla representative here to get more information on this special vehicle.

Who will be the first Cambodian to own one? Please leave us your comments below and we will await the news.


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