Research Shows Newer Cars Emit More Pollution than Older Models on Average

The perception has been that advancements in technology and stricter emissions regulations have led to cleaner cars. The assumption is that a new car bought today would emit fewer harmful emissions than one sold a decade ago. However, a recent study has discovered newer cars emit more pollution, and it is primarily due to the increased demand for SUVs.

The study, conducted by climate action group Possible and reported by The Guardian, reveals the average new petrol or diesel car in 2023 emits more pollution compared to the average new car sold ten years ago.
This is attributed to consumers increasingly choosing SUVs over traditional cars. SUVs tend to be heavier and consume more fuel. Consequently, they are less efficient and emit higher levels of CO2 compared to cars.

The Preference for SUV’s:

Although the preference for SUVs is not surprising, what is astonishing is the drastic shift in the market that has resulted in increased emissions from ICE vehicles.
The study, found that the wealthiest of buyers are responsible for the most polluting vehicles.

SUVs are especially prevalent in major city areas, where off road capability is not a major concern.” Possible argues that individuals in these areas would have the financial means to afford electric cars. Therefore, proposes the implementation of a vehicle tax based on emissions.

Legal Landscape Poses Issues:

It’s important to note that the legal landscape in the USA is different, as SUVs and crossovers are classified as “light trucks.” Consequently, car makers don’t have to comply to the same emissions regulations when manufacturing “light trucks”.
This disparity is the reason why many companies have ceased producing sedans altogether. Until this regulatory loophole is closed, automobile manufacturers will continue promoting unnecessarily tall vehicles to the public.

In addition to the regulatory concerns, there are several other reasons why SUVs are less advantageous than cars. These include an increased risk of pedestrian injuries, front-over deaths, a higher likelihood of rollover accidents. Suv’s also have reduced visibility for other drivers, and a greater amount of tire particulates being shed from heavier vehicles.

Notably, Possible’s research discovered that, for example on average, the least polluting ICE car in the UK in 2023 is a seven year old used vehicle.

Auto News


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