Safety Driving Tips for New Drivers in Cambodia

As experienced drivers we remember the first days of driving behind the wheel. The mix of excitement and worry filled us as we went out onto the roads, especially navigating unfamiliar locations. however, If you’ve just got your new license and find driving and other motorists intimidating, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Here are some driving tips for new drivers in Cambodia to help you become a safer and more confident driver.

1. Pay Attention in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rainy weather can be hard enough, but the added road spray from vehicles ahead of you can further reduce your view. It’s crucial to maintain a longer distance between your car and the one in front of you. This provides you with extra reaction time and a longer stopping distance. By staying further back, you also reduce the amount of spray that hits your windscreen. If possible, try to avoid being near heavy vehicles as they can kick up a significant amount of road spray, similar to a heavy thunderstorm.

2. Look out for Surprising Traffic
One danger to watch out for is other cars and motorcycles suddenly emerging from between lorries, buses, or trailers. Sometimes, drivers may cut into the lane of a larger vehicle without giving them enough time to brake.
If you see brake lights illuminate ahead, it could indicate that a smaller vehicle has cut in front of the larger one. Where possible try not to drive next to heavy vehicles too far, this improves your visability.

3. Understand Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
If you’ve never had to emergency brake before, you may not have experienced the anti-lock braking system (ABS) kicking in. When the ABS activates, it can be surprising and somewhat alarming for new or less experienced drivers.
You may hear loud groaning or thudding noises, which may give the impression that your brakes are broken. Additionally, the brake pedal may suddenly travel further downwards. It’s essential not to panic and continue to maintain pressure on the brake pedal. The ABS is functioning correctly, and relying on it can help you stop in time to prevent accidents.

4. Lean to Improve Visibility
We’ve been taught to turn our head to check blind spots, you might not have been told the technique of leaning from side to side. This method can be used when the car ahead blocks your view of the side. Even though it may feel awkward, leaning to the left or right can provide a better perspective of what’s ahead of the car in front of you. This is particularly useful when approaching a turn, and the vehicle ahead is positioned too far left or right in the lane. Leaning helps you check for pedestrians waiting to cross and signals changing, improving overall situational awareness.

5. Cross the Stop Line in Certain Situations
We’ve been taught to stop and wait behind the stop line, but there are times when it’s safer to cross it slightly. This may sound contradictory, but consider uncontrolled T-junctions where you can’t see oncoming vehicles from behind the stop line. In these situations, inching past the stop line to gain visibility of approaching traffic is the correct move from a safety perspective.

As you start on your driving journey, remember that experience and knowledge will help you become a more confident driver. Practice these driving hacks to increase your safety and driving skills.
We hope these tips for new drivers in Cambodia has been of help.

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