Unveiled? Lexus Electric Vehicle Concept at 2023 Japan Mobility Show

Honda is not the only car maker present at the Japan Mobility Show to showcase a new electric sports car concept.
The Japanese automaker released a teaser of its own Lexus Electric Vehicle Concept, to be displayed at the show. This concept serves as a preview for a production car that is expected to be released in 2026.

Based on the limited information provided about this electric concept, it appears to be another sports car or GT model, featuring a low and wide front face, large intakes, and possibly side-view cameras.
There’s a possibility the concept is related to Lexus mentioned in a slide during a Toyota financial presentation earlier this year.

Planning for the future

Toyota, the parent company of Lexus, has been teasing its electric vehicle plans over the past few months, focusing on advancements in powertrain technology.
These developments seem to align with the concepts that were hinted at in 2021 and 2022.

While it is unclear where this new Lexus model fits into the lineup, Toyota CEO Koji Sato mentioned in an interview with Automotive News that Lexus will play a leading role in the company’s electric vehicle push.
Lexus’ CEO, Takashi Watanabe, also stated that in 2026 they will introduce a next-generation battery EV that will revolutionize the vehicle’s modular structure, significantly change production methods, and completely transform the software platform.

Solid State Batteries

Toyota’s plans aim to have next generation battery packs to give 800 Kms of range by 2026. The introduction of solid state batteries is expected to increase range to 900 Kms with improved charging times, from 10% to 80% in just 10 minutes.

In addition to the power source, Toyota is working on new processes revolving around a tri-modular architecture.
The front segment contains the electronics, a motor, the steer-by-wire assembly and suspension.
The middle segment houses the battery, while the rear module holds a second motor and the suspension.
Improvements in manufacturing for these castings are expected to reduce vehicle weight, increase strength and speed up build times from 24 hours to just 20 minutes.

Big Targets to Achieve

Naturally, software will play a crucial role in the Lexus Electric Vehicle Concept. Lexus aims to create digital platforms and offerings that will enhance its uniqueness in the market. The brand has set a target of achieving one million annual EV sales by 2030 and transitioning to an EV-only lineup by 2035. Currently, Lexus already has two battery-electric cars available in the market: the UX 300e in Europe and the RZ 450e in other regions.

Auto News


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